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South Park

Posted by: southparkhubvolunteer

South Park Emergency Communication Hub

After a major earthquake or other significant event, neighbors will be the only available responders. Professional responders – Fire, Medical, Utility, Police – will be overwhelmed with emergency conditions throughout the city. The 9-1-1 system will be overwhelmed. Cellphones and the Internet might not work, and we will probably loose power for days or even weeks.
How will you get information if your phone is not working, and how do we organize our efforts to help each other? We gather at the South Park Emergency Communication Hub.

Meet in the parking lot behind the South Park Neighborhood Center.

Address: 8201 10th Ave S, Seattle, WA 98108

People meeting at the Emergency Communication Hub

Our Hub box does NOT contain food or water; it contains maps, signs, and paperwork to help us organize so that Neighbors can help Neighbors find information about where to find food, water or shelter, and the latest news about what is going on. If you have tools, skills, information or supplies to share, offer them at your Hub. We will work with Seattle Auxiliary Communications Service (Seattle ACS) volunteers and other radio operators to establish communication between South Park and the city of Seattle’s Emergency Operations Center and other neighborhood hubs.

Seattle ACS Volunteer sending email over radio from South Park to the Office of Emergency

Everyone in South Park is welcome. If you live in Seattle, Unincorporated King County or is unhoused, in times of disaster and emergency we will meet at South Park Neighborhood Center to help each other.

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