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Washington’s first earthquake early warning! 

Posted by: admin

A 6.4 earthquake off Vancouver Island triggers alert in Western WA” – published in The Seattle Times on Thursday, July 11, 2024.
@USGS_ShakeAlert quickly detected the M6.4 offshore EQ’s magnitude & shaking radius. @MyShakeApp users & Android phones near the EQ received alerts. Did any Western WA folks get one this AM? A reminder we live in earthquake country!

This image shows the estimated radius of shaking that reached a at least a level of MMI 3 (Modified Mercalli Intensity). Folks within that region (blue circle) should have received a warning via the MyShake app if installed or on your android device via operating system message. ShakeAlert correctly estimated no strong shaking would be felt and thus did not send a message outside of the blue circle.

Download the MyShake app now!

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