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ACS 5th Saturday Exercise

To Be Announced to be announced, Seattle, WA, United States

The Auxiliary Communication Service (ACS) Ham volunteer responders will be holding a HF field drill on this Saturday, in conjunction with other Statewide communication testing.  Locations will be announced, stop by and watch the teams in action.


GMRS Radio Net 1/6

This meeting notice is for the third Monday of each month, when we test Channels 1 (West Seattle) first and 6 (Maple Leaf) second.  Net Control is West Seattle


City Wide Hub and ACS Field Exercise

To Be Announced

Hold the date for this important field exercise!  This is when multiple hubs and ACS Sector Teams across the city mobilize to practice their response to a major disaster.  The scenario for 2019 is a earthquake on the Seattle Fault; more details of participating hubs coming soon.  
