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Disaster Skills Workshop

South Park Community Center 8319 8th Ave S, Seattle, WA, United States

Register at www.eventbrite.com… This workshop provides training on key skills needed after a disaster and more in depth instruction on key preparedness actions. Participants will rotate through four stations, with each lasting 30 minutes. The workshop covers the following topics: (1) Fire Extinguisher Use, (2) Utility Control, (3) Water Storage and Purification and (4) Emergency […]


GMRS radio network check in

1st Monday of the month – Channel 1 2nd Monday of the month – Channel 2 3rd Monday of the month – Channel 4 4th Monday of the month – Channel 6 5th Monday of the month – no test This is a weekly on-air talk around to test our radios and antennas. There will […]

Homer Harris Hub 101

Meredith Mathews YMCA 1700 23rd Ave, Seattle, WA, United States

Join the members of the Homer Harris Hub to learn the basic operations of the hub. This will include explanation how a hub is set up and how messages flow through a hub. There will be a hands on practice session as well.
