When a large disaster happens, first responders and other city services may be overwhelmed. Transportation may be disrupted and communication may be difficult. It is vital that city residents are prepared to be self- sufficient during these times. Having knowledge of some key disaster skills is a crucial part of that preparedness effort. This workshop […]
This meeting notice is for the first Monday of each month, when we test Channels 1 (West Seattle) first and 6 (Maple Leaf) second. Net Control is West Seattle.
When a large disaster happens, first responders and other city services may be overwhelmed. Transportation may be disrupted and communication may be difficult. It is vital that city residents are prepared to be self-sufficient during these times. Having knowledge of some key disaster skills is a crucial part of that preparedness effort. This training provides […]
You are invited to join the Office of Emergency Management for June's Disaster Book Club event. June's pick is "World War Z," by Max Brooks. You can pick up a copy at your local Seattle Public Library branch. We will also be joined by officials from Public Health Seattle-King County, who will provide an overview […]
This meeting notice is for the third Monday of each month, when we test Channels 1 (West Seattle) first and 6 (Maple Leaf) second. Net Control is West Seattle.
Learn how to care for and respond to injuries after a major disaster when 9-1-1 is overwhelmed or unavailable. This session provides practice on how to recognize and treat life-threatening conditions, how to conduct a patient assessment and how to creatively use household items as first aid materials. Class does not meet requirements for certification
PLEASE NOTE: this is a different date than usual for the July meeting, we moved it earlier in the month to allow for training time prior to the July 29 drill. Doors open at 6:30 for visiting and light snacks, meeting starts at 7:00. This is our regular meeting to share information about citywide activities […]
This will be our main exercise to take place in the field - at the actual hub locations for the hubs who participate this year. The disaster we will be practicing will be a major earthquake and we will be doing this drill in conjunction with the ACS team. Watch the website for details to […]
Stop by on the Saturday of this 3 day event to meet the Lake City Hub volunteers and learn about the other community preparedness projects they have in work