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Disaster Relief Trials (Cargo Bike drill)

Garfield Playfield (Check in point) 400 23rd Ave, Seattle, WA, United States

Imagine the impact a nearby 8.5 magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami would have on Seattle. Buildings collapsed, roads in shambles, people displaced, services disconnected. Without roads that are passable to vehicles, how do we provide essential services to injured and scared residents?   Enter, CARGO BICYCLISTS! Bikes can traverse the city even when roads seem […]


Alki Summer Greenways, Disaster Relief Trials

Locations to be announced

Watch cargo bikes move equipment as though a disaster has struck Seattle and we need to move supplies though out the West Seattle peninsula.  It's a challenging 30 mile route that will be revealed to participants the day of the event.  We will list the West Seattle Hubs who will host a cargo change stop […]
