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Report from Radio Practice Joint Session – Hubs and ACS

Posted by: admin

The June 2017 Hub Captains meeting became a hands on, joint training session with our Auxiliary Communications Services (ACS) partners. Experienced HAM and GMRS radio operators, newly licensed HAMs and Hub members from across the experience spectrum first heard a presentation from Carl Leon, N7KUW. Carl described how the Hubs and ACS work together in radio “nets”, how they are structured and controlled and how that relates to the larger picture of emergency radio communications in the Puget Sound region. He then gave tips on good voice protocols; how to pass the most accurate, clear and concise messages. The last part of the class was a hands on message passing session where the 35 participants broke up into 4 groups and practiced passing messages back and forth.

We thank Carl sharing his extensive experience and knowledge, the ACS “elmers” (mentors) who helped manage the practice session and the Seattle Office of Emergency Management and ACS for access to the Emergency Operations Center. Participants were able to see where the heartbeat of emergency response for Seattle will operate and tour the ACS radio room.

Carl Leon gives the radio overview

Carl Leon gives the radio overview

a man and a women send a radio message. There was great teamwork and support between the ACS people and the Hub people, for many it was their first time transmitting.

Christian and Ann work the radio messaging. There was great teamwork and support between the ACS people and the Hub people, for many it was their first time transmitting.

Stan, Ned, Claude and Ron show intense listening skills in the ACS radio room

Stan, Ned, Claude and Ron show intense listening skills in the ACS radio room

Group 3 has questions for their ACS "elmer"

Group 3 has questions for their ACS “elmer”

Frank transmits to another group, Orlando practices message taking

Frank transmits to another group, Orlando practices message taking




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One response to “Report from Radio Practice Joint Session – Hubs and ACS”

  1. Jan says:

    Thank you so much everyone volunteering their valuable time and skills! Our HAMM radio community is very generous. They are truly heros!

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